I guess I need to make a website for my final assingment of my own now I don't know how so I'll try my best but it probably won't be as good as it should.

My website will be about how good my favorite video game is with facts of course.

Scarlet Nexus is an amzing game where you a person in a world with supernatural abilities and you have to work together with your team to exterminate the others (others are the enemies in the game).

Scarlet Nexus is my favorite game even though it is pretty glitchy it has an amazing story along with two different playable characters each having their own stories but then the stories come together hence why it is called Sarlet Nexus (Nexus means to connect two or more things together)

The reviews for Scarlet nexus are 8/10, 79%, and 78% so pretty decent I think it's the best game ever and my second favorite video game is persona 5 royale which is an amazing game of of the best in 2020.

Now I don't know how to make a website and I'm not sure if I would be able to so this is probably as much as I can do unfortunately.